Carl McGee

Carl McGee headshot

I'm a new junior developer fresh out of coding bootcamp. I'm leaving a five year career in Phlebotomy and blood product donation to persue a career in web development and I'm ready to take on new opportunities and challenges.

I have recently received a Full Stack Web Development certificate from the University of Minnesota Coding Bootcamp program. There I gained experience working with MVC and Progressive Javascript and Typescript web applications in both vanilla JS using Handlebars and single-page sites with React and Next.js. I am proficient in using MySQL and sequelize, MongoDB and Mongoose, Prisma, tRPC, GraphQL, Express.js servers, Next.js with and without a server, Next Auth, Tailwind, Bootstrap and Bulma CSS libraries, server session store and client JSON Web Tokens, and Jest unit testing.

My background using donor management systems working in blood collection informs my decisions in creating positive experiences when using my web apps. When in the public health field, the end user should not have to think about the software they're using as they work with donors and hospitals. My main objective in creating any application is to have the users think about the app as little as possible with clean and clear UI, responsive interfaces, and intuitive UX.

Carl McGee 2023

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